The Peace Sign Farm is a beautiful and bountiful farm near Tarboo/Dabob Bay in Quilcene, WA. 2009 marks the inaugural CSA farming year...and so it begins.
Peace Sign Farm operates much like a non-profit organization. Below are introductions to our board and staff members.
Jim Yeakel and Joan Purdy, Owners
Jim and Joan have known each other since childhood, growing up on Whidbey Island. It has been a life long dream for both of them to live on an artistic and community supported farm. Jim is a skilled woodworker and makes custom cabinets in addition to being a gear-head and resident heavy equipment operator. Joan is a natural communicator and enjoys writing, healing and being the household manager. Both Jim and Joan are skilled artists/artisans. In 1998, they bought the property which has now become Peace Sign Farm.
John Foss, Farm Manager
Originally hailing from Kentucky, he has always missed his family's little farm back in Mayfield, where they ran a small road side vegetable stand. In 1998 he relocated to the Port Townsend area & the last four years he has worked as a marine electrician at boat shops in Port Townsend. John has been a resident for six years at Peace Sign Farm and was the force that created our first CSA program. He has finally became a real life Farmer John.
Erin Yeakel, FarmCoordinator
Erin begged her parents for pigs at a young age and never really gave up. The younger daughter and neighbor of Joan and Jim, Erin works at a local nursery, is a practitioner of permaculture design and has dreams of running her own agriculture based business some day.
Dana Yeakel, Financial Consultant
Dana is Jim and Joan's eldest daughter. She lives in Seattle with her husband Nick and their daughter Maya. Dana works as a part-time personal finance assistant in Seattle and as a full-time mom. Her family loves spending their free time outdoors and on the farm in Quilcene.
Jake, Molly, Abby Rose and Cayanne, Farm Dogs
Of course every farm must have their own pack of resident dogs. Jake is the oldest, mellowest and fluffiest dog around. Molly is the youngest, a border collie/australian shepherd. Abby Rose is the silky smooth sweetheart and water lover of Farmer John's and Cayanne is the smallest, a miniature farm poodle.
Hi! We are neighbors! I'm miles down Coyle Road, but out here that is close! Anyway hello and best wishes! Bonnie