
A Cavatini summer squash loving the hot hot weather old mother nature has thrown at us.


  1. This is my first time with a CSA and I want to thank John and crew for the great tasting food. I am very satasfied with the price and quality

  2. Thanks so much for the comment.
    Keep'um comming gang!!!
    One of our goals here at the farm was to bring in never before CSA members. We also believe that the smaller groups of 1 to 3 people homes just can't afford the price of most of the CSA's out there. We're not trying to send you 10 to 15 items leaving you wondering how on earth will we consume all this produce in a week with out having to give some away to your friends,neighbors. Maybe you will have to even throw some out into the compost pile. If you end up throwing some away The Peace Sign Farms will probably loose you as a customer next year. This goes back to my days as a chef. You never want to see a plate come back with food left on it always leave the wanting just a bit more then you know 1.Your not wasting food 2.You have a very satisfied customer whom will return.
    Farmer John
    peace out
