
A marketmore 76 cuke soon to be in A Peace Farms CSA bag


  1. That doesn't quite look like the cucumber I just made into a delicious salad (with sesame seeds and blueberry basil vinegar) for dinner, but maybe it was on the next plant over.

    Our dinner last night: vegetable lasagna made with a mix of squash, carrots, basil and onions, along with lots of spinach (from Nash) and oregano. Salad greens, delicious baby tomatoes, and radishes made a side salad.

    Our dinner tonight: beet borscht with veggie stock made from leftover beet greens, chard, carrots, carrot greens, and miscellaneous bits from a previous week's farm share. YUM.

    Tomorrow: mashed potatoes with chives, asian-style green beans, and to be determined...

    Your mad skills are so appreciated. Thank you for filling our house with delicious goodies.

  2. Thanks guys. The cucumbers you have been receiving in the pastis the bush master. We are also growing the market 76 cukes, harvest began 8/1/09 soon we will be harvesting a lemon cucumber in a very limited supply.The are the shape of a very round lemon with a bit of tartness to in.
    Farmer John
    peace out...................
