
Quilcene Farmers Market

Joan and Erin

John Foss and Erin

Catch us from 10-2 on Saturdays in Quilcene

John and Sarah's Pizza oven

John and Sarah, neighbors to the Peace Sign Farm, brought over their handmade pizza oven to celebrate Erin's birthday. John made this from half of a metal buoy. You can catch John and Sarah and their dentedbuoy pizza oven and fresh farm eggs at the Quilcene farmer's market most Saturdays. It may be the best pizza you've had so go check them out!

John getting set up

Sarah working her magic on the dough


Jim taking his turn cooking the pizzas and Farmer John mixing up the toppings


2010 Chimacum Farmers Market

Peace Sign Farm is represented at the Chimacum Farmers Market this year!

Our Farm Manager, John Foss partnered with Scare Crow Farms in Quilcene who brought eggs and Spring Rain Farm and Orchard in Chimacum who brought fruit trees. The greens and more plant starts are from our farm. More to come as the season rolls on!

Below, John Foss patrolling the tent.

A happy customer leaves with some info. Cayanne the dog is keeping John company.


Farm Going In A New Direction: CSA Cancelled

Tonight we had our annual Peace Sign Farm (PSF) meeting in which we discussed last years CSA and other activities of the PSF in 2009. During this time we realized that conducting a CSA for 2010 was both physically and financially unfeasible. This means PSF will be going in a new direction this year and apologetically we are canceling the 2010 CSA program.

PSF will be focusing on a family vegetable garden and small scale fruit and berry production. Stay tuned for updates and possible Farmers Market appearances in the future.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and highly recommend the following farms for a reliable and quality CSA program:

Finn River Farm, Chimacum, WA Phone: 360-732-6822
Email Farm: farmer@finnriverfarm.com

Red Dog Farm, Chimacum, WA Phone (360) 732-0223
Email info@reddogfarm.net


2010 Happenings

New Fruits

In 2009, we started planting a few rows of strawberries, being it was our first year. Production was limited and many of you were able to sample a few of these luscious berries. Luckily, Peace Sign Farm owners, Jim Yeakel and Joan Purdy were quite impressed with the strawberry plants and have decided to plant many more of these juicy delights for the 2010 season. Be sure to look out for these over the growing season.

In addition, every year we add a few dozen more fruit trees to our orchard. This coming year will be no exception. As our CSA grows over the years, expect to see a bounty of fresh fruit in your CSA boxes!

Try Your Own!

We value the experience gained through gardening and farming. This year we will be growing a number of plant starts for you to begin experimenting with and growing in your own garden. Learn from us by volunteering or gain experience on your own, by carefully observing your garden's climate, weather, soils, animals, organisms, cycles and unique conditions. We will have strawberries; a perennial fruit that is easy to grow and care for in the home garden, broccoli; a cool season crop for spring and fall and a great producer in our climate, and onions and tomatoes.

Please call our Farm Manager, EJ Foss for ordering and crop information 360.390.8288

April and March will start the growing season and we will be seeking volunteers from our CSA memberships. Strawberry planting is a labor intensive project and will consist of soil preparation, raking, mounding, composting, fertilizing, mulching and finally planting. This will be a great opportunity to learn the basics of soil preparation and bed construction, not to mention how to take care of your very own strawberry plants.

Also in April we will be constructing a new tomato hoop house/ growing tunnel. This activity will be less labor intensive for those of us who prefer to help within their abilities. If you've never done this before, no problem, come learn how to build a hoop house with us!

Peace Sign Stolen

Sunrise on The Farm

As we begin planning for the upcoming 2010 growing season, we will be adding information regarding membership, volunteer opportunities and events at Peace Sign Farm.

On a side note, the Peace Sign was stolen for the second time in 9 years from the top of our driveway. This time it was cut down via chainsaw. If you are visiting the farm be aware that a new sign may not be up yet! The next one will surely be made of metal!

Stay tuned for updates!


Apple Cider Press

The Apple Press!

Granddaughter Maya

The apple cart

Cutting the apples into quarters and searching for worms

The grinder chewing up the apple quarters

Once the pail is full, the mesh lining is tied down.

and the top of the pail is covered with a top to screw down with the handle

Squeezing the juice out of the ground apples

The newly configued handle

Some added accesories made by Jim to make the press work more efficiently

and the juice comes out

Bottled and ready to freeze and store.


Pickled Green Beans


  • 2 1/2 pounds fresh green beans
  • 2 1/2 cups distilled white vinegar
  • 2 cups water
  • 1/4 cup salt
  • 1 clove garlic, peeled
  • 1 bunch fresh dill weed
  • 3/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional)


  1. Sterilize 6 (1/2 pint) jars with rings and lids and keep hot. Trim green beans to 1/4 inch shorter than your jars.
  2. In a large saucepan, stir together the vinegar, water and salt. Add garlic and bring to a rolling boil over high heat. In each jar, place 1 sprig of dill and 1/8 teaspoon of red pepper flakes. Pack green beans into the jars so they are standing on their ends.
  3. Ladle the boiling brine into the jars, filling to within 1/4 inch of the tops. Discard garlic. Seal jars with lids and rings. Place in a hot water bath so they are covered by 1 inch of water. Simmer but do not boil for 10 minutes to process. Cool to room temperature. Test jars for a good seal by pressing on the center of the lid. It should not move. Refrigerate any jars that do not seal properly. Let pickles ferment for 2 to 3 weeks before eating.

From Allrecipes.com



We'll be adding recipes to this blog every now and again that will help you come up with new ways of eating all those veggies! On the right-hand side of the page, you can see under the title Recipes a list of key ingredients - this way if you want to search for some recipes with carrots (for example) in them, click on Carrot.


Recipe - Chard & Feta Pie

Chard and Feta Pie


  • 1 pie crust
  • 4 cups chopped chard
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 4+ cloves garlic, chopped
  • basil, rosemary, and thyme, to taste
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • a splash of balsamic vinaigrette
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 1 1/2 cups feta cheese


Prepare 1 pie crust, or use a frozen one. Sauté onions, garlic, and spices. Add greens to sauté and cook until you see a color change. Add a splash of balsamic vinegar. Mix sauté, egg, and 3/4 cup feta in a large bowl, then spread out into the pie shell. Crumble remaining feta on top and bake at 350 degrees F for 30-40 minutes.

from CSA Eating Locally, Cooking Seasonally Cookbook, recipe by Tal Shatz, Sauk Mountain Farm

Recipe - Dilled Carrot Salad



  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1 tablespoon white-wine vinegar
  • 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh dill sprigs
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1 bunch carrots (about 3/4 pound)


In a bowl whisk together all ingredients except carrots and season with salt and pepper. In a food processor fitted with fine-shredding disk or using large holes of a hand grater grate carrots and stir into vinaigrette.

Gourmet, August 1997 (from Epicurious.com)


The orchard is still developing but in time the farm will be producing plums, peaches, pears and apples.



This is the first year the farm contracted out the back pasture to test out growing wheat...looks pretty darn good!


Around the Farm

Some pictures from around the farm...
Bridge as you drive into the farm

The blueberries are coming in at full speed!


Hot Summer Bounty

WOW lass week was HOT !! It was 103 degrees here on more than one day. Too hot for me but the plants were lovin it. We have had bumper crops of most everything. Some of the ever bearing strawberries were almost the size of golf balls! I however, am enjoying this cooler weather as are the rest of the animals.